Why Homeopathy
Each body holds the key to its own healing. As a Homeopath, I provide the treatments, resources, and tools necessary to unlock the innate potential each of us holds inside. I work to create a safe and compassionate environment for you to discover what will help you lead a healthier and more relaxed life. You can live the life you want, and as your Homeopath, I’m here to support you along the way.
Why Homeopathy?
" Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, which treats the whole person, from
head to toe. "
Know why this modern medicine practice
might be best for you
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine that is safe, gentle and very effective. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, which treats the whole person, from head to toe. Its aim is to re-balance the whole individual, treating all symptoms, rather than to rid the individual of single symptoms by suppression. Homeopathic medicines are completely safe, even for a day old infant, pregnant women, or any other delicate stage of life. They are known to be non-toxic, and absolutely free of side effects, when prescribed by a professional homeopath. I would never advise my patients to self-prescribe as that can lead to unwanted aggravations or provings of remedies, especially when used over a long period of time. They are prepared from all the varied sources like herbal, mineral, and animal substances. The homeopathic pharmacies follow strict guidelines for the proper preparation of homeopathic medicines according to our age-old pharmacopeia.
The body has an innate intelligence. Inspite of all the stresses on it, it will try to maintain a state of perfect health. Disease results from weakening of the defensive powers and loss of the balanced state of health.
Homeopathy is particularly beneficial to individuals with chronic, long term conditions. Patients who seek homeopathic treatment are likely to improve considerably and health benefits are steady and long-term.
The problem is people start looking at alternative options very late after their condition is usually very chronic or they have been told that there is no treatment for them in conventional medicine. After they have exhausted all means, their condition may have worsened, or the medications have caused significant side-effects already. Homeopathy, on the other hand, is absolutely different as we do not use material doses of medicinal substances so you are usually told there are no side-effects when the medicines are used in the right potencies and dosage. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine from your GP.
For a homeopath, each new case is truly a challenge. This is because each organism presents its own singularity and it needs its own ‘constitutional’ remedy, even though he suffers from the same clinical picture or medical diagnosis. The homeopathic remedies that I prescribe will gently encourage & assist your body to heal itself.
Homeopathy, fundamentally, works by boosting our own defense mechanisms or immune systems to work to their optimum capacity thereby taking care of the so-called disease that is affecting our bodies. Our human body is much more complex and sophisticated than we understand it to be, by today’s standards of science.
If you suffer from an acute problem, homeopathy can help you within hours to days but if you suffer from a deep, chronic pathology, it may take a series of remedies to re-establish the balance of your body through a series of consultations, after which you will be able to notice any beneficial permanent change in the overall state of your health.
The extraordinary success of homeopathy remedies which are diluted hundreds of times against the most dreaded of diseases is being demonstrated every day at several homeopathic clinics in India.
What to expect at your first consultation
Your 1st consultation might take anywhere between 45 minutes to 1.5 hrs. I will ask you to describe your symptoms in specific detail as in how and when your symptoms started, what makes them better or worse etc. Your diet and sleep patterns will also be discussed in great detail. I will take time to listen and understand the details of all of your current symptoms, your medical history as well as your overall personality. I will ask you questions that might not be related directly to your current symptoms, that might be completely unrelated (according to you) to your case in general but I need to understand you holistically from a homeopathic standpoint.
The root causes of your symptoms/ disease could be :
Hereditary diseases/ genetic idiosyncrasies.
Traumatic childhood experiences : Early childhood circumstances, even in-utero experiences leave with more than psychological and emotional effects. The physical impact of early childhood experiences can also directly promote disease.
Life Traumas : Traumatic events such as bereavement, grief, physical injury and accidents, abuse, emotional shocks, sudden change such as loss of a job or a relationship separation, change of environment, childbirth (for baby & mother) and economic hardships.
General Lifestyle behaviours and every-day habits
Strong medications, environmental effects and harmful toxins.
More often than not it is a collection of factors which disturbs the way our body functions.
After taking your case detail, I will have to analyze it in detail, with reference to various books and repertories, which will finally help me in deciding the remedy that is best suited to your case individually. Your medical diagnosis is not sufficient for a prescription in Homeopathy. There is much more detail needed to get to the probable cause of your complaints. We also spend some time delving more deeply into your personal life, your family history and the patterns in your life journey to this point.
After all of this, a homeopathic remedy is prescribed which simultaneously addresses all levels. Often, my prescription will consist of a single remedy at one given time. This approach offers long acting results by resolving the root causes of illness, and stimulating a full return to balance, health and vitality.
Follow-up consultations usually take 30-45 minutes or a bit less sometimes. They are recommended every 4-6 weeks depending on your individual case. We access your remedy reaction for your last prescription and then depending on your body’s reaction, we can decide on the further prescriptions according to your individual needs.
I also consult for acute conditions (20-30 mins). These would not involve other symptoms, other than your acute symptoms and their details. Usually, the relief is seen within hours or a few days.
What to expect after treatment?
Improvements are usually seen within the first three to six months. If you suffer from a long-lasting, chronic condition, which has lasted for more than 2 yrs, a number of remedies, one after the other, might be needed for the complete restoration of optimum health.
I recommend committing to 6 consultations over a 6-8 month period. During this time you should experience an improvement in your symptoms. A return of old symptoms might be experienced in some cases which is therapeutically considered as a good sign for the homeopathic treatment.
The benefits of homeopathic treatment are permanent and long lasting as the medicine works with the body's innate intelligence and not against it. Homeopathic remedies are deep-acting, and can strengthen inherited tendencies and predispositions to certain conditions, contrary to popular belief.
Once you have completed 6 consultations and prescriptions you can expect :
1) great improvement in your overall level of health, with no significant symptoms or
2) your symptoms might have improved partially but some further treatment might be required or
3) we might be still working at the various layers of your deep-seated disturbance (mostly in very chronic conditions) and you will still require to continue your treatment for a while.
Alterations in health after treatment :
Increased energy & vitality
Reduced severity or reversal of symptoms
Improved sleep
Emotional balance
More confidence & self-esteem
Decreased anxiety levels
Hormonal balance
Understand More
The permanent positive alterations cannot happen overnight and it is a journey that deserves to be started, NOW!
The permanent positive alterations cannot happen overnight and it is a journey that deserves to be started, NOW!
Homeopathy can resolve hurt, pain, grief, anxiety etc. by finding a medicine that matches the causation and unique expression of your symptoms.
Environmental influences and toxin accumulation is starting to take control of our overall health in ways that we cannot imagine. Homeopathic detox protocols are becoming common as an adjuvant to constitutional treatment which can be very helpful for these toxic effects on our system. Homeopathic organ support becomes useful in cases when a particular organ's physiology has become affected and is causing certain disturbing symptoms.
Conventional medicine and surgery has a great role in life-threatening conditions. But homeopathy is greatly effective in the prevention and treatment of chronic conditions. Contrary to popular belief, Homeopathy when prescribed by a professional and experienced homeopath has been known to be very effective in certain acute conditions like renal colic, appendicitis, chest infections, infantile colic and so on and so forth. But it is the right prescription that is crucial to be used in the right frame of time when we are dealing with an acute condition.
Ideally, both the systems of medicine when used in integration can be very beneficial to the suffering patients for their optimum health.
The road to cure is not a straight line, but a complicated curve full of ups and downs. Both me and you have to dedicate ourselves to take a positive step for an overall improvement in your health. Patience and perseverance are very important virtues if you actually want better health with a better quality of life. The permanent positive alterations cannot happen overnight and it is a journey that deserves to be started, NOW!
Healing is a choice.
It takes effort, determination,
direction and support “