High blood pressure is not a disease, but a symptom of another underlying condition or pathology, just like fever. It is a compensatory process so that an adequate circulation of blood is maintained in the body. So, it is like a necessary evil to support life in adverse circumstances of blood flow. It may be uncomfortable just like fever, but the body is trying to fight a disease or an internal malady.

The level of blood pressure should be maintained within safe limits, but a drastic reduction of blood pressure by drugs can be deleterious to the body as well. The underlying causes of hypertension can be multiple including
Hereditary: If both the parents have this condition, the children are more likely to manifest it.
Age related: Found more after 40 yrs of age. Menopause can trigger this symptom as well.
Sex: Men are supposed to have more tendency, but women are also prone at the time of menopause.
Weight or body-built: Over-weight and obese people more likely to suffer even at a young age.
Kidney disease, accompanying
Arterial hardening
Erroneous lifestyle like an excessive use of coffee, tea, tobacco, beer and other alcoholic drinks.
High levels of mental anxiety or continued stress over a long period of time
Hyperactive, restless, short-tempered individuals can also manifest a high blood pressure. They may be healthy otherwise.
Usually, the nervous system can be affected at first. Common initial presentations can be
Inability to concentrate
With the involvement of kidneys, some urinary symptoms can also appear. A puffiness under the eyes can be noticed at this stage.
When the heart is compromised, breathlessness on slight exertion, even cough can manifest. A swelling around the ankles, after the day’s work in the evening, which disappears after a night’s sleep, is a common occurrence in such patients.
Furthermore, there can be extreme dyspnea and low quantity of urine per day. Bleeding from the nose and gums is considered as a beneficial symptom at this stage, as it has a safety-valve kind of an action.
Apoplexy or brain hemorrhage is the final blow in a patient of uncontrolled hypertension.
Many drugs are available which will reduce the blood pressure temporarily or as long as they are taken regularly for life. But in my opinion and experience, it should be treated at the etiological level. The cause of the blood pressure needs to be addressed, most importantly. The pressure level itself being the compensatory response is not the culprit but the underlying conditions, can cause degeneration at the level of other organs.
First things to be done are to AVOID
White bread
Coffee and chocolates
Vinegar/ pickles
Breakfast cereals (potatoes in place of cereals)
Fresh vegetables and greens (spinach, lettuce, spring beans, green peas etc.)
Fruits (apples, citrus fruits, papaya, melons)
Dairy products
Whole wheat/ unpolished rice
Some homeopathic medicines (with therapeutic hints) that can be useful in this condition are
Aconite: Numbness in different parts of the body. The patient can be very restless and thirsty as well. Sleeplessness with tossing about in bed. Vertigo, worse on rising and a bursting headache can all indicate this remedy.
Amyl nitrate: Heart palpitations are the main indication of this medicine. This is also indicated in hypertension around menopause. Great fullness felt in the chest. The patient wants to stretch continuously with anxiety around the heart.
Apis mel: Swelling of the lids with thirstlessness is the main indication for this remedy. There could be urinary symptoms with Hypertension for the use of this remedy. Sudden puffing up of the whole body.
Aurum muriaticum: Heart enlargement is accompanied with hypertension. This remedy has a special affinity to the arteries of the head. Old age with a depressed state accompanying hypertension can be indicative of this remedy.
Baryta muriaticum: When there is huge difference between the higher and the lower values of the blood pressure, like 190/90 mm hg, this remedy is indicated. A heaviness of the head with buzzing of the ears can be present. In a low potency, like 3C or 6C, this medicine can be continued for a long time.
Belladonna: A flushed face with a throbbing headache can indicate this remedy in any case of hypertension. The skin can be dry with less thirst in this patient.
Crataegus: It is known as a homeopathic ‘heart tonic’. It is known to have a good effect on the hardened arteries of the heart. It can be used in tincture or low potencies with great benefits for the overall heart health.
Glonoine: This is a commonly used remedy for hypertension. There is a rush of blood to the head and heart which is felt like a sense of heaviness, confusion, and dizziness. Palpitation, and a general inability to exert or walk uphill is found under this remedy.
The remedies mentioned are not the only remedies in homeopathy used for this condition. In fact, we have over 200 remedies that could be used in a patient of hypertensin so, as always, it is best to work with a homeopath for any long-lasting condition as the overall state of health, mental and physical, needs to be analyzed for proper treatment. This article is written only for informational purposes.
For more information and tips on homeopathy get my book At Home With Homeopathy.